Sunday Services 9AM & 10:30AM
Children classes are available during both 9AM & 10:30AM services. Please stop at the Check-In Station located just inside the south entrance of the church building to check in your child.
4th & 5th graders are invited to attend their own class during the 10:30AM service!
Our Sunday morning services include singing and Bible teaching. Our singing is an act of worship to God; feel free to sit or stand. This is followed by a 25 to 30 minute message.
Mission of St Mark —
We exist to equip, disciple, and send followers of Christ into their homes, workplaces, and community to share the love of Christ.
Sunrise Preschool teaches children about the love of Jesus Christ, as well as preparing and supporting children socially, emotionally, and academically.
We partner with Bethel University to provide a fully accredited degree at an affordable price.